Men's Liposuction Fort Worth

A man’s body is unique, and men’s liposuction should be performed with the male physique in mind. Men’s liposuction strategically removes unwanted fat, typically from around the waistline and torso, in order to reveal a man’s natural muscle tone. If diet and exercise alone are not giving you the body you desire, men’s liposuction in Fort Worth can help you slim down, tone up, and feel confident.

What is men’s liposuction?

Men’s liposuction removes unwanted fat that lies between the skin and muscles in order to reshape the body to a more desirable shape. Male liposuction is not intended to remove all of the fat in a certain area, as the male body requires some fat to look aesthetically pleasing and to function optimally.

Dr. Emily Kirby
  • Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon
  • Over 12 years of experience in private practice
  • Founder and Medical Director of Kirby Plastic Surgery, Kalos Medical Spa, and City Surgery Center—a Quad A-accredited, state-of-the-art facility located onsite
  • Specialist in breast surgery and body contouring, including postpartum
  • Castle Connolly Top Doctor since 2019
  • First female Chief of Plastic Surgery, Texas Health Resources Harris Methodist Hospital
Portrait of Female Board Certified Plastic Surgery Emily J. Kirby, MD, in operating room wearing scrubs, smiling

What are the benefits of male liposuction?

Liposuction for men can:

  • Reduce unwanted fat and prevent fat from returning in treated areas
  • Reveal your natural muscle definition
  • Increase your self-confidence
  • Make exercising easier and more enjoyable
  • Help you achieve your weightloss goals

This classic procedure has helped Fort Worth men look sexy and feel confident for decades. Find out how you can benefit from male liposuction—schedule a consultation with Dr. Kirby today.

Before & After Gallery

*Individual results may vary.

Man's back before and after liposuction. The before image shows fat deposits in the flanks (love handles) and the after photos shows smaller waist for a smoother silhouette and more masculine physique.
Before and After Patient Image

How is male liposuction different from female liposuction?

While women usually seek liposuction to remove fullness from the hips, thighs, and abdomen for a smoother, curvier, appearance, men usually desire liposuction to eliminate fat, revealing a sculpted, strong, masculine physique. The desired result is a flat abdomen, broad shoulders and chest, and a narrow hip and waist area.

What areas of the body does male liposuction target?

Men’s liposuction typically targets the following areas:

  • Abdomen
  • Flanks (“love handles”)
  • Neck (“double chin”)
  • Back
  • Chest (can also be performed as part of gynecomastia surgery)
  • Arms

Liposuction is also a critical part of men’s body contouring procedures, including a body lift, a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), male breast reduction surgery (gynecomastia), an arm lift (brachioplasty), and a thigh lift (thighplasty). After liposuction is performed during body contouring surgery, underlying tissues are tightened or removed as needed, and the skin is redraped over these tissues.

  • Targets stubborn, diet- and exercise-resistant fat
  • Reveals muscle definition hidden beneath fat deposits
  • Versatile and fully customizable in areas like the abdomen and beyond
  • Minimal, small scars
  • Adipose Tissue: A type of connective tissue that stores energy in the form of fat, which is targeted and removed during liposuction.
  • Anesthesia: Medication administered to prevent pain during surgery. There are several types, including local anesthesia, which numbs a small area; regional anesthesia, which blocks pain in a larger area; and general anesthesia, which induces sleep and relaxation.
  • Body Contouring: A range of procedures, including liposuction, designed to reshape and refine the body’s contours by removing excess fat and sometimes excess skin.
  • Cannula: A thin, hollow tube used during liposuction to break up and suction fat from the body.
  • Compression Garment: A specialized garment worn by patients after liposuction to reduce swelling, support the treated areas, and help the skin conform to its new contours.
  • Gynecomastia: The enlargement of breast tissue in men, which can be treated with liposuction to remove excess fat and improve chest contour.
  • Incisions: Small cuts made in the skin to allow the insertion of the liposuction cannula; they are strategically placed to minimize visible scarring.
  • Liposuction: A cosmetic procedure that removes fat from specific areas of the body, such as the abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks, arms, or neck, to improve their shape.
  • Local Anesthesia: Medication administered to prevent pain during surgery by numbing a small area; it may be used in combination with sedation to minimize discomfort if preferable over general anesthesia.
  • Recovery Time: The period after surgery during which the patient heals. This includes time for swelling and bruising to subside, and for the patient to gradually return to normal activities, typically ranging from a few days to several weeks. Recovery can be streamlined, but not rushed.
  • Sedation Anesthesia: Medication that induces a state of relaxation and partial sleepiness, often used in combination with local anesthesia.
  • Skin Elasticity: The ability of the skin to stretch and return to its original state. Good skin elasticity is important for achieving smooth, tight contours after liposuction.
  • Subcutaneous Fat: The layer of fat located just beneath the skin that is often targeted during liposuction for cosmetic reshaping.
  • Tumescent Liposuction: A technique that involves injecting a large volume of a diluted solution of local anesthesia and other medications into the fat before removal, minimizing bleeding and discomfort.
  • VASER Liposuction: A liposuction technique that uses ultrasound technology to break up fat cells before removal, allowing for more precise sculpting and less trauma to surrounding tissues.
  • Visceral Fat: Fat located within the abdominal cavity, surrounding internal organs; it is not typically targeted with liposuction as it lies deeper than the fat removed during the procedure.

Men’s liposuction surgery & recovery

Male liposuction is typically performed under general anesthesia. Dr. Kirby will make small incisions in your area of concern and insert a hollow tube (called a cannula) to suction unwanted fat from beneath the skin.

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It is common for men to experience some swelling and bruising after liposuction, but this should resolve on its own within several weeks. Most of our male liposuction patients begin to see their results after 1 to 3 months, with final results taking shape in about 6 months. After your procedure, Dr. Kirby will place a compression garment over your treated areas; this garment should be worn for about 6 weeks after your procedure to help flatten and smooth out these areas.

Board certified female plastic surgeon, Dr. Emily J. Kirby, performs liposuction in her fully accredited City Surgery Center for maximum safety, comfort, and privacy.

References »

Bellini E, Grieco MP, Raposio E. A journey through liposuction and liposculture: Review. Annals of Medicine and Surgery. 2017 Nov 6;24:53-60. doi: 10.1016/j.amsu.2017.10.024. 

Shridharani SM, Broyles JM, Matarasso A. Liposuction devices: technology update. Medical devices (Auckland, NZ). 2014 Jul 21;7:241-51. doi: 10.2147/MDER.S47322. 

Yoshida S, Koshima I, Imai H, Roh S, Mese T, Uchiki T, Sasaki A, Nagamatsu S. Effect of Postoperative Compression Therapy on the Success of Liposuction in Patients with Advanced Lower Limb Lymphedema. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2021 Oct 22;10(21):4852. doi: 10.3390/jcm10214852. 

Wu S, Coombs DM, Gurunian R. Liposuction: Concepts, safety, and techniques in body-contouring surgery. Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine. 2020 Jun;87(6):367-375. doi: 10.3949/ccjm.87a.19097. 

Expect Minimal Downtime, Thanks to ERAS

Dr. Emily Kirby uses Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) protocols, also known as “multimodal analgesia,” to minimize recovery time, and we see real results: our patients experience less nausea and feel more alert, mobile, and comfortable after their procedures.

“I had very hard recoveries in the past…it took me weeks to get back to caring for my family. With Dr. Kirby, I had a wonderful recovery and was back to my activities surprisingly quickly. Don’t tell the doctor, but I was at my child’s sporting event the day after my surgery, and I felt great!”

—Real patient of Dr. Kirby
Book your Fort Worth men’s liposuction consultation

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Portrait of Female Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Emily J. Kirby, MD smiling

Medically reviewed by Dr. Emily J. Kirby — Updated on Apr 15, 2024

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